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Our Pledge: Energy without emissions


We know that substantial investment is needed to provide New Zealand businesses with solutions that will facilitate the transition to a low-carbon economy. We have created the New Zealand Sustainability Fund as a provider of capital inside of Utilise, to help fund this transition.


The NZSF aims to invest $100m+ over the coming years into businesses to take on sustainable technologies and services that will enable our nation to meet its net-zero carbon goal.


We manage our funding in tranches of approximately $10m. As of the end of 2022, Utilise will have invested in 10 companies across multiple industry sectors since launching this fund in 2020.


If a project does not make it into the current round of funding it will be moved to top of the list for the next tranche of funding. In 2023 Utilise plans to invest over $10m into energy initiatives for like-minded companies to accelerate sustainability progress. We encourage companies with viable projects to confirm intentions so they may be placed into the current round of funding. 


Every business is different but there are ways every business can make even small changes.


Get our brochure here.

The New Zealand Sustainability Fund invests in energy initiatives across multiple industry sectors, with a focus on: 

Scope 2 Indirect emissions from electricity

Scope 1 Direct emissions used in transport


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Wanting more information? Let us do a solar assessment on your business. 


The assessment report will include system sizing, generation, on-site consumption, emission reductions, financial costs and benefits of real world emission reduction actions available. We will attach the PPA contract documents that would be capable of acceptance.

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